School Exercise Book
Design & Printing
Specialist in bespoke exercise books, with standard or full colour covers with lamination options. We also supply bespoke rulings and books with coloured pages for children with learning difficulties.
Our approach to producing school exercise books may be slightly different to many other suppliers as we concentrate on designing and producing eye-catching school exercise books that continue and compliment your existing school branding. Whether we have designed your school logo or you have sent us your existing logo, our design team will create professional looking books with your logo and other design elements on both the front cover and on the back cover. We can also include details unique to your school like a school motto, mission statement or key words. Inside cover printing is also available with presentation rules, pupil targets and tick boxes being among the most popular items.
We have 22 different rulings as standard rulings - however we can design and print any ruling as a special ruling with personalistion, tick boxes etc ...
Please scroll down the page for more information

Exercise Book Rulings
We offer a number of exercise book rulings as standard - for all subjects and for children of all ages. These can be applied to different size exercise books.
We offer a total of 22 rulings as standard as shown in the attachment to the right. These include rulings for children of all ages - starting in Reception right through to the Sixth Form. Our maths books are made up of a selection of squared rulings including 7mm, 120mm & 20mm squares. For most other subjects we concentrate on 10mm ruling + margin and 8mm + margin - however we also have rulings with half page blank, left page blank etc.

For handwriting we have a wide selection - including our new range of HWEX rulings. We also offer blank pages and blank pages printed on cartridge paper for Art books. These are often spiral bound.
Exercise Book
Bespoke Rulings
We can also supply bespoke printed rulings for all kinds of exercise books. These can include your school logo on every page, a school motto, or often we are asked to include school specific tick boxes or marking guides along the bottom of the page. Please see examples in the images to the right.

Exercise Book Cover Colour
We have 11 different card colours available, 8 as standard and 3 premium colours. These are used for standard books when we print your logo and school details in black ink onto the cover.
We mainly use a card called Vanguard with our standard cover colours being Gold, Blue, Yellow, Green, Cream, Pink, Grey and Red with Lime Green, Orange and Purple in our premium range. We can also supply other colours on request. We can also laminate the covers or print in full colour - please see below.
Please click on the image to the right to view the colours available.

Full Colour
Exercise Books
Why not print your school logo in full colour on the front of your exercise books. We have many options and finishes to make your schools branding stand out.

Our approach to producing school exercise books may be slightly different to many other suppliers as we concentrate on designing and producing eye-catching school exercise books that continue and compliment your existing school branding. Whether we have designed your school logo or you have sent us your existing logo, our design team will create professional looking books with your logo and other design elements on both the front cover and on the back cover. We can also include details unique to your school like a school motto, mission statement or key words. Inside cover printing is also available with presentation rules, pupil targets and tick boxes being among the most popular items.

Exercise Book Lamination
If you are looking for that bit extra on your school exercise book covers and have a quality laminated finish, you have come to the right place.

Having decided on the requirements for your exercise books - many schools like to protect their exercise books further. We offer a number of solutions, one being laminating the card covers. Lamination is applied after the covers are printed and is applied to the outer cover - to one side only. The lamination will be on the outside - but not the inside cover. We offer both gloss and matt lamination options - however most schools choose the gloss lamination. Not only does this give a shiny finish to the books - it also gives extra strength and can protect the corners of the books from wear and tear. They can also be wiped clean.
Both gloss and matt laminated exercise books can still be written on using a biro style pen, permanent marker pen or Sharpie - some schools however like to apply a sticker to the cover. We can design the covers to accommodate various sticker sizes and can include a feint outline showing where the sticker can be applied.
We can also supply plastic sleeve covers to protect your exercise books.

The above image shows 3 standard red card books printed with black ink. The book on the left has been gloss laminated. The book on the right is matt laminated and the book in the middle is not laminated.

Exercise Book
Pages & Binding
Exercise books bindings, which include extra strong staples for most of our standard books, spiral binding for Art books and perfect binding for books with a higher number of pages.

The binding of the exercise books is very important especially in books with a high number of pages. Most of our exercise books are bound using 4 strong staples - instead of 2 as in many other books. This can extend the life of your books, ensuring the cover is firmly bound. Our ruled pages are printed on a good quality paper and we usually suggest a maximum of 80 pages - however we somtimes go to 96 pages.
When we produce Art books or Learning Journeys we often include a much thicker paper or cartridge style paper. For this kind of book we recommend a spiral binding which allows for a thicker book and also makes page turning much easier.
We also offer an extra style of book which has a perfect bound / square spine. The pages are gathered and then glued into the binding. This allows for may more pages than the staple binding.

Reading Records & Homework Diaries
A well designed printed reading record or homework diary can give an excellent impression to parents of your school. We can produce bespoke books that can aid communication between teachers and parents whilst promoting the schools ethos.

We can supply reading records and homework diaries with various coloured card covers and can match to an existing order of exercise books. We have a selection of interior rulings for parents to record their childs progress, however on request we can produce bespoke internal pages to suit a specific requirement of a school.
We can also supply different coloured colours for different year groups often with different coloured card covers to show the key stage.

Exercise Books
With tinted pages
Specialist in in supplying bespoke exercise books with tinted pages for children with learning difficulties.

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school exercise book order
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